
The cultural and artistic association "Tashe Milosevski” from Resen, the Republic of Macedonia exists since 1945. Within its framework, there are several groups that cultivate the old Macedonian song and Macedonian folk art.

We start with the youngest members, who are between the ages of 6 and 8, to animate the folklore treasures. The older ones in their groups begin to study and perform the folklore choreographies, with the aim to prepare them to participate in children's folklore festivals up to the age of 14 in the next differentiation.

The ensemble for folk songs and dances uses very rich and original traditional costumes for all the dances it performs, costumes that abound with hand-made embroidery and other ornaments, which enriches the overall impression during our performance of an even richer concert program.

Our Prespa-Macedonian mentality, our cordiality and sociability allowed our beautiful municipality to fraternize with many cities around the world (Korčula - Croatia, Elverum - Norway, Egirdir - Turkey, Vegrov - Poland, Crown Point - USA) and to sow the seeds of our age-old traditions and preserve the roots of our people. KUD Tashe Miloshevski has been successfully organizing an international folklore festival under the name "Prespa Apple Picking" for seven years, traditionally from September 24 to 28 every year.

Cultural heritage, material and immaterial, with its diversity and uniqueness, is the wealth of humanity, and its protection is one of the most significant indicators for recognition, definition and affirmation of cultural identity.

The basic goals and tasks of KUD Tashe Miloshevski are:

  • nurturing, popularization and enhancement of the original folklore and song (melos) of the Macedonian people
  • nurturing and enriching the traditional Macedonian original customs of folklore and melos, as well as the national minorities living in Macedonia
  • nurturing and popularizing the dramatic art
  • nurturing and popularizing the art of recitation
  • nurturing and popularizing the art of music, old-town songs and the like
  • KUD Tashe Miloshevski organizes and carries out close cooperation with appropriate organizations and societies from the Republic and beyond, with the local self-government, with the Ministry of Culture and with other cultural institutions and other institutions
  • organizes concerts and other performances at public events in the city, the municipality and beyond
  • ensures constant cooperation with the means of public information, introducing the general public to the work of the KUD
  • forms special sections (groups): folklore, drama, recital, instrumental and music where the artistic abilities of the members will come to the fore

President: Ljupco Pecalevski

  • General Assembly 
  • Executive Board 
  • Supervisory Committee 

It lies in Gorna Prespa, on the slopes of Mount Petrina.

In Roman times, due to the strategic position of this area, several military camps and road stations were established. An ancient transit station on the main road Via Egnatia was known by the name of Skirtiana. Later, the Slavic settlement of Resen was founded in its place. The surroundings of Resen is a famous fruit-growing area for the cultivation and production of apples, so many call it "Macedonian California".

Thanks to the extraordinary clay, pottery was developed, and in 1971 the "Resen Ceramic Colony" was founded.

The most striking building in the city is the "Seray", which was built at the beginning of the 20th century. According to tradition, two friends lived in Resen. One of them went to study in Paris, and the other stayed in Resen. After some time, a postcard arrived from Paris on which a building like today's seray (palace) was painted. Then the friend who stayed to live in Resen (the Bey) allegedly said: "You will look at such a building, but I will live in it." It is built of marble and cut stone.

In 2003, the International Theater Festival - Actor of Europe was held for the first time in Oteshevo. Its goal is the revival of theater culture in the Prespa region of the three neighboring countries - Macedonia, Greece, and Albania. The festival is held every year in the beginning of July.

Below the city lies Prespa Lake, the second largest natural lake in the Republic of Macedonia. It lies at 853 m above sea level and covers an area of 274.3 km². Of these, 176 km² belongs to Macedonia, 49.4 km² to Albania and 47.8 km² to Greece. In the north-south direction, the lake is 28.6 km long, and its width is 16.9 km. The greatest depth of the water is 54 m. The lake does not receive any major tributary, and no river flows out of it, but it is known that in several places the water sinks under the Galichica mountain and goes into Lake Ohrid. The lake water temperature in August is 24.3 degrees Celsius. The transparency of the water ranges from 1.50 to 7.20 m.

Part of the Prespa Lake, the one near the village of Ezerani, has been placed on the Ramsar list of aquatic habitats.

The reason for this is that 96 species of waterfowl have been registered around the lake. From the of the Ramsar list, on which 48 species of birds have been placed under permanent protection, 17 are found on the Prespa Lake.

The island of Golem Grad is in Prespa Lake. There are several (remains of) buildings on it. The single-nave church of "St. Peter" and the frescoes on its walls date back to the 14th century. Among the compositions are two rare scenes in Macedonian fresco painting - "The Siege of Constantinople" and "The Flight into Egypt". Here are also the remains of the destroyed church "Saint Demetrius". Archaeologists have also discovered remains of other churches that were built in the period from the 10th to the 14th century, as well as Roman necropolis and remains of a luxurious Roman house.

The island is not inhabited today. It has been declared a nature reserve and it is home to several species of snakes, many birds, and several types of plants, including the juniper tree.

The mountain Galichica, which separates Lake Prespa and Lake Ohrid, was declared a national park in 1958. It covers an area of 22,750 hectares. The lowest point is at the level of Lake Ohrid - 693 m, Lake Prespa - 852 m, and the highest point is the peak of Galichica - 2,275 m. The mountain is rich in animal life: bears, wild goats, wild boars, roe deer and several types of birds. There are about 130 species of trees and shrubs, which is a great rarity in Europe. 80 km of asphalt roads have been constructed through the National Park. They lead along the shores of the lakes and through the central part of the mountain, climbing to 1,630 m.

The two lakes can be seen from the Goga lookout.

Along the coast of the lakes, and within the National Park, there are the monasteries: "Saint Naum", "Holy Mother of God Peshetrska", "Saint Stephen", the churches - "Saint Elijah" in Elshani, "Holy Mother of God" in Velestovo and the basilica " Saint George".

There are over 10 caves on Galichica.

There is a hunting reserve within the National Park.

On the shore of Prespa Lake, to the north of the village of Kurbinovo, there is the church dedicated to Saint George. The fresco paintings in the church date back to 1191. It is a small, single-nave church with a semicircular apse. Throughout history, it was damaged by fire, which damaged parts of the fresco paintings, which are divided into three zones. Among the frescoes there are depictions of Jesus Christ and Saint George in supernatural size, the Holy Healers, St. Panteleimon, "Annunciation", "Ascension of Christ", "Meeting of Anna and Elizabeth", "Birth and Baptism of Christ", "Resurrection of Lazarus", "Assumption", "Entry into Jerusalem", "Crucifixion" and "Lamentation". The fresco painting of the church belongs to the Komnenian period. There is striking prominent shaping of the faces and bodies and the elaborate draperies, which art historians say are baroquely playful and give a stamp to the entire painted ensemble. The compositions "Annunciation", "Jesus Christ", the figures from the altar conch and others are among the most beautiful achievements of Byzantine painting in the Balkans.

On the road from Resen to Ohrid, one passes through the village of Kosel, near which there is an extinct volcano. Sulfur-rich gas continuously escapes from one vent. That is why the smell of a rotten egg is often felt. From here, this road section ends again in the city of Ohrid.


Започна проектот „Дигитална збирка на КУД Таше Милошевски, Ресен“

Започнуваме со реализација на проект за дигитализација на постановките „Посеље”, „Малешевка” и „Радовишки собор”, со авторот Јовица Блажевски, поддржан од Министерството за култура на Република

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Преспански јаболкобер 2022

Манифестацијата „Преспански јаболкобер 2022″ денеска официјално заврши со доделување на признанија меѓу кои ќе ги споменеме: – Признание за афирмација на Ресен и Преспа преку

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Годишен концерт 2022 година

Секоја година на нашиот ревијален годишен концерт се доделуваат признанија на наши истакнати членови кои претставуваат наш начин да им се заблагодариме на истите, и

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The members of KUD Tase Milosevski can be:

  • Regular members
  • Associate members
  • Honorary members членови

If you want to become a member, you can easily do so at our premises.

Almost every region in Macedonia has its own characteristics in terms of costumes and folk dances. Their abundance allowed the top experts to create the following choreographies, which are only a part of the repertoire we perform:


Location of origin – Kochani region, Dancers’ composition – men

Character of the dance: Typical masculine temperamental dance with pronounced balances, bounces, landings, and sharp movements with both legs. It is danced with great extravagance and boldness and at certain moments with loud shouts from the players.


Location of origin - Mariovo, Dancers’ composition - women

Character of the dance: Typical female dance with measured and dignified movements and pronounced balancing of the body. It also contains dynamic dramatic elements, such as the shaking of towels and reflection in a mirror, which show the preparation of the maiden to highlight her grace and beauty.

Staro Tikveshko 

Location of origin – Tikvesh region, Dancers’ composition – men

Character of the dance: A typically male dance consisting of five parts in which there is a gradation in tempo from slow to fast. The first and second parts are slower and danced simply with pronounced balances and dancing on the knees, and the other three parts are much faster with jumps and landings, turns of the body, kneeling on both legs and lying down on the legs and arms.


Location of origin - Macedonia, Dancers’ composition - women

Character of the dance: A typically female choreography showing the old tradition of maidens filling water jugs from village fountains. The choreography abounds with mimetic-dramatic elements and vocal performance. The beginning demonstrates the way the pitchers are being carried and it is at a slower pace. In the continuation, the theme accelerates sharply and with gentle landings in intertwined formations of three groups of female dancers, skill and beauty is manifested.


Location of origin – Veles region, Dancers’ composition – men and women

Character of the dance: A moderately fast dance that speeds up towards the end. It is characterized by calm movements and balanced steps, then landings and under-jumps with low stoops. It abounds with mimetic-dramatic elements characteristic of the tinner's craft – tinning the dishes, wiping, and shining the pans, wiping the sweat of the tinners. Finally, the performance of the old craft is choreographed with a solo performance and song by the tinsmith and songs and dances by the other dancers as his assistants in the craft.


Location of origin - Ohrid, Dancers’ composition - women

Character of the dance: Very attractive choreography that finishes from moderately fast to a fast one, giving the impression of the women's steps as if they were embroidered for each other. The choreography shows the traditional way of bleaching the canvas on the shores of Lake Ohrid, and through the performance itself, figures are made with the canvases, which give the choreography a special attractiveness and visual fulfillment.

Prespa dance 

Location of origin – Prespa, Dancers’ composition – men and women

Character of the dance: Choreography in which a variety of rhythms and speed of the tempo can be observed. The only one in which the women gracefully raise their legs more than usual in Macedonian folklore. The dance is a kind of competition between women and men within the framework of a love story that is conveyed through the dance. It finishes with fusion and compactness with a very rich and attractive finish with specific steps.


Location of origin – Kochani region, Dancers’ composition – men and women

Character of the dance: A musical-stage performance about the centuries-old traditions of harvest activities. The temperamental dances give a cheerful connotation to the very difficult activity presented. Looking at the choreography, it becomes clear to everyone what it is about, and this speaks of the originality in the selection and presentation of all elements within the whole, which is beautiful.


Location of origin – Kichevo region, Dancers’ composition - men and women

Character of the dance: This choreography synthesizes Svekrvino, Chetvorka, Malesora and Krstachko oro (dance). In all of them, at different tempos, many choreological elements are performed with grace in movements, dignity, and pride. The Macedonian strong woman stands out, dignified, wise, hardworking, and at the same time the Macedonian as strong, unruly, proud, warlike, hardworking, but also very gifted in dance and song. All this fascinates and leaves observers breathless and represents a dance competition.


Location of origin - Krushevo, Dancers’ composition - men and women

Character of the dance: Komitsko as a choreographic unit represents a kind of musical drama. The fight of the Macedonian people against the Ottomans is presented with many mimetic-dramatic elements, and in a very melancholic way, so that the observers gain knowledge about the preparation, the conduct of the battle and the death of the heroes in the bloody battle. At the beginning, the slow pace gradually accelerates during the performance of the battle, so that at the very finish, in complete darkness, the Macedonian woman appears, with a candle in her hands, expressing her grief for the lost lives of her loved ones. In those moments, the musical background shakes the feelings and shivers the body.


Location of origin - Aegean Macedonia, Dancers’ composition - men and women

Character of the dance: The choreography is interspersed with flirting and coquettishness between men and women. It begins in a slow rhythm with a female dance and gentle steps, continues with a male dance that abounds in the elegance of the performance of steps played with specific weight balancing and heel strikes, to finish in a rhythm that is quite fast, in pairs, and elements are performed that are very attractive and synchronized with the speed and cheerfulness of the music.


Location of origin - Shtip, Dancers’ composition - men and women

Character of the dance: Very dynamic choreography, in a fast rhythm and extremely fast steps. It is a combination of several original dances such as the Krstachko oro, the Edinaesetka and the Petorka with which it finishes. The wafting of the song gives it a special mark in the moments of outplaying and seducing men and women, and the shouts in the dance itself are numerous and express the pride, self-respect, and steadfastness of the Macedonian people.

Resen dance 

Location of origin – Resen, Dancers’ composition – men and women

Character of the dance: Synthesis of original dances specific to the Prespa region. Elements and steps that were found in past celebrations for feasts and weddings. Cohesion of fast female and slow male tempo, in several different rhythms of the dance. As individuals, within the whole, which they perform as a product of cooperation between KUD Taše Miloševski and our colleagues from Greece and Albania within the project "Together for a better Prespa". The costume is a true rarity and complements the expression of pride, courage and inviolability.

Dance ensemble

Digital collection

The digital collection of KUD Tashe Miloševski, Resen (phase 1)" is a project implemented by KUD Tashe Miloshevski. It represents an extensive project aimed at recognizing the values of traditional customs, folklore and melos and their proper appreciation and presentation in our country and beyond. It is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of North Macedonia, as part of the Annual Program for Implementing the National Interest in Culture for 2022.


Author of the choreography: Jovica Blazhevski

Author of the musical arrangement: Darko Ilievski

Location of origin: Radovishko

Dancers’ composition: mixed (male and female)

A mixed choreographic performance in which men and women are represented. The choreographic staging represents a classic Macedonian gathering (sobor), but the gathering that has already begun (there is no beginning of the gathering, where people slowly gather for the meeting), and it is marked by a lot of dancing and singing. A dance that turns into a competition between the participants, and also expresses dramatic elements of a love-humorous courtship between a very clever, sly and dynamic girl and a young modest boy. The choreographic performance itself is made by processing several original dances that were played in the fields of the Radovish region, but some of them also in the Radoviški Shopluk region. We are talking about the dances: - Kukuriku petle - Trechenica - Toska - Sitnoto - Pushtenka / Maleshevsko. Leading song for the dance – Pokraj nakraj Kate.


Покрај накрај Кате да се не удавеш. х2

Ако се удавам што те тебе брига. х2

Брига мене брига за твоите очи

за твоите очи за црните веѓи.

За црните веѓи за белото лице

за белото лице за рамната снага.


Author of the coreography: Jovica Blazhevski

Author of the musical arrangement: Sasho Mitev

Location of origin: Dolni Polog

Dancers’ composition: mixed, male and female

A choreographic performance inspired by the folklore tradition in Dolni Polog, or rather the Poselje region. Due to the location of Poselje, which is between two mountains (Shar Planina and Žeden Planina), a large part of the population was engaged in animal husbandry. With the beginning of the winter days, while the snow has not yet fallen on the mountains, the stopan (owner) calls his shepherds together with the flocks to come down from the mountains to Poselje, and the flocks gather mostly in their large courtyards, in buildings called plemni where they spend the winter. With the arrival of the herds, the shepherds bring the obtained products (milk, cheese...). The herdsmen express the joy of gathering the flocks and finishing grazing on the mountains by singing songs, dancing, and all this grows into a small assembly in which relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. join.

In the choreographic performance itself, the traditional dances "Marica" (women's dance), "Ajduchko" (men's dance), "Ciganchica" (mixed dance) are represented, and two songs, "Raspukala Shar Planina" and "Shto me boli" are also performed". These are dances and songs that are most common at all gatherings in Poselje, and there are many of them because every village has its own village Orthodox feast.

The dance is performed in a traditional costume from the Dolen Polog region.


Ехехејј..Жеден планиноо

Ехехејј..Шар планиноо

Распукала, распукала Шар Планина

ајде, распукала, распукала Шар Планина.

Распукала, распукала Шар Планина

ајде, распукала, распукала Шар Планина.

Ми потфати, ми потфати три овчара

ајде, три овчара, три овчара, девет стада.

Што ме боли главава ле

главава ме боли.

За главата – фино фесе

одозгора стодрам пискул.

Шарено, плетено, со срма ле везено.

А, што велиш, малој моме

да те глава боли!?

Што ме боли грлово ле

грлово ме боли.

За грлото – кован гердан

за челото – алтанче

за главата – фино фесе

одозгора стодрам пискул.

Шарено, плетено

со срма ле везено.

А, што велиш, малој моме, да те глава боли!?


Author of the coreography: Jovica Blazhevski

Author of the musical arrangement: Sasho Mitev and Vlatko Terziski

Location of origin: Maleshevski kraj

Dancers’ composition: mixed, male and female

The dance is inspired by the rich folklore tradition from the Maleshevo region. Folkloric traditional values from that region are used to present an everyday story to young people. Their socializing together, joking with each other, the appearance of romantic feelings and so on.

At the very beginning of the choreography, we have a group of girls (friends) who meet a handsome boy who is walking and whistling on his flute (kaval). The girls wisely decide to prank each other, so in one situation they take his hat and hide it. But that clever boy was not naive, he had another hat, he puts it on his head and continues to play his instrument. After the girls try to take the second hat from him, he learns from the girls' first intention, turns out to be wiser and saves the second hat.
The boy, leaving the girls to play and socialize, leaves to call his friends (boys). All this is shown in the first dance "Berovka".

The "Ispajche" dance shows the arrival of the boy's friends, of course he leads them first to where the girls are.
Furthermore, with the very flow of the choreography through the song "Jano tenka maleshevke", "Malesevsko oro", "Pantevo oro" mirror and capture dramatic elements of showing love courtships and the birth of romantic feelings.
Eventually, the story ends with the boy (with whom the girls are joking at the beginning) handing over a beautiful flower to one of the girls, and by accepting the flower from the boy, she shows that she likes him too.

* LOVE, ORO, SONG *, and Jovica Blazhevski's "Maleshevka" became a HIT in Macedonian folklore.


Јано тенка малешевко

мори Јано дилбер беровчанко

Јано бела ем црвена

мори Јано севда е голема

Јано бела ем црвена

мори Јано севда е голема.

Јано доста мома оди

мори Јано доста светот збори

Јано и старо и младо

мори Јано сал за тебе збори

Јано и старо и младо

мори Јано сал за тебе збори.

Кичице, кичице, кичице

кичице бујна лободо хеј.

Кичице кичице бујна лободо.

Дајми нож, дајми нож

дајми нож, дајми нож да се убодам хеј

заради, заради моми убави.

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